Power Micro-blog Text Classification Based on Domain Dictionary and LSTM-RNN
Shen, Mengyao (n/a)
Prediction of Road Traffic Flow with Combination Arima and PageRank
Li, Chengfan (School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University); Huang, Jiaxin; Wu, Shaochun (School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University)
Text Classification Based on Improved Information Gain Algorithm and Convolutional Neural Network
A Link Analysis Based Approach to Predict Character Death in Game of Thrones
Agarwal, Swati (BITS Pilani, Goa, India); Thakur, Rahul (IIT Roorkee, India); Mishra, Sudeepta (BITS Pilani, Hyderabad, India)
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Wrapper Feature Selection Methods with Artificial Neural Network Classifier for Diabetes Prediction
Fahmiin, M. A. (Universiti Teknologi Brunei); Lim, Tiong Hoo (Universiti Teknologi Brunei)
Research Progress in the Processing of Crowdsourced Test Reports
Wang, Naiqi (East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China 2. Shanghai Development Center of Computer Software Technology, Shanghai, China); Cai, Lizhi (Shanghai Development Center of Computer Software Technology, Shanghai, China); Chen, Mingang (Shanghai Development Center of Computer Software Technology, Shanghai, China); Zhang, Wei (1.East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China 2.Shanghai Development Center of Computer Software Technology, Shanghai, China)
Ransomware Detection Based on an Improved Double-Layer Negative Selection Algorithm
Lu, Tianliang; Du, Yanhui (People’s Public Security University of China); Wu, Jing (People’s Public Security University of China); Bao, Yuxuan (People’s Public Security University of China)
Correlation study of emotional brain area induced by video
Jiang, Huiping (School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China); Wang, Zequn (School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China); Gui, Xinkai (School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China); Yang, Guosheng (College of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China)
Bivariate Fisher–Snedecor F Distribution with arbitrary fading parameters
Cheng, Weijun; Xu, Xianmeng (School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China, Beijing, P.R. China); Wang, Xiaoting (School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China, Beijing, P.R. China); Liu, Xiaohan (School of Information Engineering, Minzu University of China, Beijing, P.R. China)
End-to-end Based Tibetan Multi-dialect Speech Recognition
Zhao, Yue (School of information and Engineering, Minzu University of China); Gao, Fei (School of information and Engineering, Minzu University of China); Yi, Xuefei (Liaoning Equipment Manufacture College of Technology); Yue, Jianjian (School of information and Engineering, Minzu University of China); Lai, Zeng (School of information and Engineering, Minzu University of China); Xu, Xiaona (School of information and Engineering, Minzu University of China); Wu, Licheng
Formal Modeling and Verification of Software-Defined Networking with Multiple Controllers
Kang, Miyoung (Korea University); Choi, Jin-Young (Korea University)
Genetic Algorithm based Solution for Large-Scale Topology Mapping
Osman, Nada (Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt); Elnainay, Mustafa (Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt); Youssef, Moustafa (Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt)
Energy Management of Multiple Microgrids in Active Distribution Networks
Zhao, Yi (Harbin Institute of Technology); Yu, Jilai (School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology)
EuWireless RAN Architecture and Slicing Framework for Virtual Testbeds
Pinola, Jarno (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland); Harjula, Ilkka (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland); Flizikowski, Adam (IS-Wireless); Safianowska, Maria (IS-Wireless); Ahmad, Arslan (IS-Wireless); Mhatre, Suvidha (IS-Wireless)
Enabling Heterogeneous 5G Simulations with SDN Adapters
Pham, Thien (The University of Adelaide); Nguyen, Hung X (The University of Adelaide); McMahon, Jeremy (The University of Adelaide)
PLDetect: A Testbed for Middlebox Detection Using PlanetLab
Kirth, Paul; Pournaghshband, Vahab (University of San Francisco)